The Des Montes Art Gallery provides a look into the ranching culture in Northern New Mexico, with a strong focus on keeping our Acequia (community ditches) traditions alive.
Taos Clay is a community clay studio offering classes, private studio rentals, studio memberships, workshops, a retail gallery, and residency opportunities. There are many options for anyone interested in using our facility.
In addition to the self guided tour that goes through our Earthship Visitor Center daily, we also have 2 kinds of guided tours. Guided tours are generally reserved for groups of 10 or more, however, we can accommodate a smaller group.
Taos Honey is a family operated farm business, supporting healthy pollinator populations, beekeeping and thoughtful land stewardship in Northern New Mexico and the Upper Rio Grande river corridor.
Kurt and his incredibly friendly staff invite you to experience this Taos landmark. Centrally located on 7.5 view-filled acres between the Town of Taos and Taos Ski Valley, Quail Ridge Taos Condominium Resort has been renovated to reflect hospitality and amenities in the resort tradition.
NM Visions fine art photography depicts moods and scenes .. sublime, magical, cultural, soul stirring.
Taos Tennis boasts 10 layco-like courts and is integral with Quail Ridge Taos: A Condo Resort. Guests can stay courtside and participate in clinics, drop-in doubles, lessons and tournaments all while enjoying the pool, hot tub and dining.
Vintage trailer hotel and starlight campground in one of the most mystical locations on the planet. Camp under the starry sky next to our legendary mountains and feel the "pull" of Taos.
10,000 WAGS is not just a 'kennel in Taos', it is the FINEST PET RESORT in the Southern Rockies, providing luxurious overnight boarding for dogs & cats, doggie day care, grooming, and a pet supply store.