Massage Therapy for Locals and Taos Travelers
Overcome Altitude Sickness in 1 Hour with Hyperbaric Oxygen. HBOT acclimates you to high elevation. Enjoy your vacation. Speed healing from injury or breathe better. We offer HBOT sessions, Chamber Sales, Infrared Therapy, Colonics.
Forest bathing is a path to deep connection with the natural world, scientifically proven to improve mental, physical and emotional health via a two hour stroll in a green space with invitations that will open your senses to the wonders of the world around you
Come immerse in a healing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath as Harmonic Resonance, deeply Transformative Sound & Mantra guide you into a state of deep Relaxation & Healing. Book a sound bath for Retreats, Groups & Private Sessions! Check calandar for Local Events
We are a school of Ancestral, Folk & Herbal Medicine with a storefront supporting local herbalists and medicine makers. We also host onsite events, have body work and spiritual sessions available with practitioners and teachers of various backgrounds.