Fully equipped mountain shop, offering the latest in outdoor gear and clothing for hiking, camping, backpacking, rock-climbing, snow-shoeing and cross country skiing. Maps, guidebooks, and advice on trails and excursions.
For over 40 years, TMO has been the place where adventures begin. We have the gear, clothing and footwear to prepare you for just about anything Taos has to offer – hiking, camping, climbing, rafting, trail running, yoga and more.
A full service, ski and snowboard rental shop featuring a wide variety of rental packages for all ages, skill levels, and budgets. In addition to our line of skis, snowboards, xc skis, and snowshoes, we offer a large inventory of winter sports clothing, gear, and accessories.
Big 5 Sporting Goods is one of America’s top retailers of name brand sporting goods and accessories. With 425 locations spread throughout 12 western states you can find a convenient location near you using our store locator. This is the Taos, NM location.
The Streit family works together to create a team of experienced and knowledgeable fishermen whether you are hiring a guide or asking for the "it" fly at the shop. The experts when it comes to fly fishing northern New Mexico.